Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability are essential Components of Corporate Governance. The emerging concept of CSR & Sustainability goes beyond charity and requires the company to act beyond its legal obligations and to integrate social, environmental and ethical concerns into company’s business process.

We at UNISON at large undertake social engagements useful for welfare & sustainable development of the community specifically the deprived, under privileged and differently abled persons. We firmly believe to give back to the society and contribute in their sustainable development.

UNISON through its CSR & Sustainability initiatives will endeavour to achieve the below- mentioned key Value behind CSR & Sustainability Policy:

“To remain a responsible corporate entity mindful of its social responsibilities to all stakeholders including customers, consumers, shareholders, employees, local community and society at large”.

Sr. No. CSR Project or Activity identified Sector in which the project is covered Projects or programs (1) Local area or other (2) Specify the State and District where projects or programmes were undertaken Amount Outlay (budget) project or programmes wise (` crore) Amount spent on the projects or programmes Subheads : (1) Direct Expenditure (2) Overheads (` crore) Cumulative Expenditure upto the reporting period (` crore) Amount Spent: Direct or through implementing agency
1 Society for Education Welfare & Action Rural Promoting education, including special education and employment, enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects Bharuch 38.00 Lac 38.00 Lac 38.00 Lac Direct
SUBTOTAL 38.00 Lac 38.00 Lac 38.00 Lac Direct